Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XVI
SOME me haue spited with a cruell spite :
But Fount of Mercy so reclense my sinne,
As I nor them maligne, nor any wight :
But all good mindes affect, like deerest kinne.
Small cause I haue to scorne in any sort :
Yet I extreamely scorne to aunsweare some,
That banish Conscience from their report,
And ouerwantonly abuse the dumme.
God keepe Low-Countrymen from high Disdiaine :
Yet I disdaine with haughtiest contempt
To enuy any persons Fame, or Gaine :
Or any crooked practise to attempt.
Iesu, that we should band, like Iohn Oneale,
That tenderly should melt in mutuall zeale.